

Games an' Stuff


Wii U

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD – Questing Done Right

I never owned a Wii, for a few reasons but mostly, if I’m being honest, because it all looked suspiciously like exercise to me. Whilst the wands and nunchucks of the Wii may’ve been considered fun and quirky – the kind of thing you’d have a laugh playing with your friends for an hour or so – the idea of spending large chunks of my downtime swinging my arms around like a lunatic just never really appealed to me. As such, there was a whole console generation of Nintendo Games that I either didn’t play at all, or just tried briefly at friends’ houses, and precisely because a lot of them seemed intent on making me get up off my arse and dance around like the bastard lovechild of Jane Fonda and Mr. Motivator. Continue reading “The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD – Questing Done Right”

The WUFT – Splatoon Review


If you read my last piece you’ll already know that Splatoon – God love it – managed to drag me out of a rather acute, and worrying Gaming funk. When every other title I tried was pretty much meh, and just as I was thinking I’d accidentally cured myself of my chronic Gaming addiction – and might have to, like, integrate into the real world and shit – Nintendo’s neon ink-shooting, squid-ey jumping, platforming answer to a shoot ’em up went ahead and cured me (or, perhaps more accurately, uncured me), and before I’d been exposed to much sunlight or fresh air too. As such, and in the interests of full disclosure, it’s possible I might be a little biased in what follows, but hey, rescuing somebody from the (massively overrated) real world’s as good a reason for that as any, right!? Continue reading “The WUFT – Splatoon Review”

Gaming Ennui and the Return of the WUFT

You know that thing when you’re hungry for something specific, but you’re not quite sure what that is…. so you just keep opening the fridge and cupboards hoping it’ll jump out at you. But it doesn’t. So you nibble at stuff, feel wholly unsatisfied, and then return to the fridge in the hope that the little som’thin-som’thin you’re after’s just magically appeared in the time you were nibbling on the other stuff!?

Well, that’s exactly what I’ve been like since my return to Gaming (but with, like, Games instead of food, obviously) Continue reading “Gaming Ennui and the Return of the WUFT”

The WUFT: The Hardware and General Nintendo-y Goodness

I knew I’d been neglecting my Wii U, but it wasn’t until I went to set it all up again that I realised quite how much. See, the last time I turned it on was at least November of last year, and I know this because I couldn’t find my fucking transformers – which were always in the same place back when I needed them for my PlayStation 4 (prior to getting a Pro in the US). Hunting all over the house for the bastards wasn’t the most auspicious of starts to my WUFT-ing for sure, and at one point – when an avalanche of shit fell on my head from an overhead cupboard, if you’re interested – I very nearly fucked it all off before I’d even got started. Continue reading “The WUFT: The Hardware and General Nintendo-y Goodness”

Introducing The WUFT

What, pray tell, is a fucking WUFT I hear you ask? It’s a fair question and, because you’re not actually a mind reader, I’ma go right ahead and explain what it is. See, Dear Reader, WUFT stands for Wii U Farewell Tour, and given the Nintendo Switch is now upon us, and given the Wii U’s days are probably numbered as a result, I thought I’d take the opportunity to do a little series of posts to mark its sad-but-inevitable slide into Gaming obscurity; one last Wii ‘Urrah, if you will! Continue reading “Introducing The WUFT”

An Open Letter to Nintendo: Why I Already Fear for the Switch!

Oh, Nintendo. Dear, sweet Nintendo. We’ve had a long relationship you and I! Indeed, you’re the main reason I’m a Gamer, and almost 30 years ago you were the one who took me by the hand, introduced me to a dude by the name of Mario, and together, in the space of a few short hours, you both showed me momentous, Life-changing things.

And whilst I appreciate that all sounds a bit like an episode of Law and Order: SVU, I mean it in a good, non-creepy way. In short (and like many people of my generation, I suspect), my own Gaming odyssey began with you, and you’ve always played some part in it throughout the years. There were some real highs, a few lows, but we’ve made it through together, and precisely because I love you, Nintendo, I want us to have a future too. Continue reading “An Open Letter to Nintendo: Why I Already Fear for the Switch!”

Notes on Gaming’s Silly Season

Firstly, if you’re one of the two people who’s read this blog a) thank you and b) I’d like to apologise for my absence over the last week or so. Rest assured, I haven’t gotten bored already, it’s just that I was in the US for a week, and the repeated shock of paying a bajillionty-twelve dollars for a soda at Disney and Universal left me with little time to actually, you know, write stuff. Continue reading “Notes on Gaming’s Silly Season”

Why you should definitely consider the Wii U

The other night, I noticed that I had two weird looking lines on the sides of my face that hadn’t been there that morning, and their presence left me feeling slightly confused, and more than a little freaked out. Searching “weird face diseases” on WebMD had left me none the wiser, and it was only later, when I’d been asked why I was ‘grinning like a simpleton’ that I finally figured it out!
As somebody who usually smiles, on average, three, maybe four times a year, it was understandable that I’d not considered this, but suddenly it all made sense Continue reading “Why you should definitely consider the Wii U”

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