

Games an' Stuff


Gaming Reads

Monday Morning Procrastination Pack #9

Honestly, how is it Monday again? It seems like five minutes ago that I was getting all giddy and shit because it was Friday! Still, them’s the breaks, and until we crack the whole ‘army of robots doing everything for us’ thing, Mondays are always going to be a pain the ass. Obviously, the army of robot thing might lead to a Skynet scenario like in that documentary ‘Terminator’, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, eh!? Continue reading “Monday Morning Procrastination Pack #9”

Monday Morning Procrastination Pack #8

The Monday-pocalypse has arrived. Again. Instead of Zombies, or rivers of fire and brimstone, or, like, Nuclear Winter though, Monday-pocalypse is basically time-sheets, and commutes, and dealing with the boss! Which is obviously much, much worse! Still, as per usual (if you ignore last week’s balls-up) I’ve put together a little bug-out bag of great Gaming reads to help you survive the End (of weekend) Times. Continue reading “Monday Morning Procrastination Pack #8”

Monday Morning Procrastination Pack #7

Mondays. Ugh. Rubbish.

The weekend – as it so often does – just went ahead and left us, right when we were getting used to having it around. Just as we were mumbling, ‘Hey Weekend, this might be a bit forward, but what if, like, you stuck around and we made this “thing” between us a bit more official and permanent…!?”, it was all like “Nah, you’re alright, mate – I’ma go now…” and fucked off into the sunset, taking our game-playing time (and our favourite CDs) with it.

Still, them’s the breaks. The weekend’s a fickle, short-lived thing for sure, but t’is better to have loved and lost…. and all that bollocks. And – without wanting to stretch this whole weekend-as-a-relationship metaphor too far – maybe some time apart will help!? Not convinced? No, me either, so let’s just crack on with it, shall we!? Continue reading “Monday Morning Procrastination Pack #7”

Monday Morning Procrastination Pack #6

I’m a little pressed for time this week, so this’ll be a quick one.

Basically, Mondays are shite, we all hate them, so I’ve put together a little bug-out bag of Gaming reads to help you survive the Monday-pocalypse. You don’t have to read them, obviously, but if you’re looking to surreptitiously escape the End of (weekend) Days, or if you fancy a quick little bit of gaming goodness on your commute, or lunch hour, or whilst you’re hiding in the toilets, this might help you out. Continue reading “Monday Morning Procrastination Pack #6”

Monday Morning Procrastination Pack #5

You all know the drill by now: Monday’s both suck and blow, and the weekend went waaaay too damn quick. All that potential, promise and freetime just fucked the fuck off faster than a Coulrophobe at a clown convention, and all we’re left with is that Monday Morning feeling.

As per usual though, I’ve taken the liberty of collating a few pieces from the t’internet that I hope might make Monday feel a bit less grim; a bit of verbular padding to stuff down your pants to soften the blow of the big old crotch punch that is the start of the working week. Continue reading “Monday Morning Procrastination Pack #5”

Monday Morning Procrastination Pack #4

Honestly, how is it Monday already? How on earth is it time to start wearing pants again? What the actual fuck happened to the weekend? It just, like, disappeared without a trace, save only for a faint carving of Croatoan scratched into a nearby tree trunk – a genuine mystery for the ages.

Still, when the universe takes with one hand, it often gives with the other and so it was this week, with a veritable feast of great Gaming pieces on the t’internet; a virtual smorgasbord of news, reviews and opinion. Continue reading “Monday Morning Procrastination Pack #4”

Monday Morning Procrastination Pack #3

Ugh – It’s Monday again. Already. Just as we seem to be getting comfortable with the weekend, embracing the quality time it allows us to spend with our fantabulous-game-playing-machines, it disappears –  Poof, just life that! [I’m doing a Kevin Spacey impression there, but it obviously doesn’t translate too well via the medium of the written word!] The hope and potential of the weekend, with all its free time and opportunity, has – once more – repositioned itself right at the end of the week, with five working days between us and it. Continue reading “Monday Morning Procrastination Pack #3”

Monday Morning Procrastination Pack #2

I’m not entirely sure what happened with this weekend, but it’s gone already. I mean, it was here – full of promise, free of work – but then it fucked the fuck off, leaving us wholly at the mercy of Monday morning. That’s a next level dick move right there, weekend – not cool at all. Fear not though, fellow Gamers, for I have once again put together a little bug-out bag of essentials to help us survive the Monday-pocalypse (see what I did there?): a condensed package of interesting and/or funny things that might help make your day that bit more survivable, and/or just generally offer up a big old ‘go fuck yourself!’ to that Monday morning feeling. Continue reading “Monday Morning Procrastination Pack #2”

Monday Morning Procrastination Pack

Even though it’s Carnaval here in Brazil (so I’m not even halfway through my 5 day weekend), I’m going to – out of the goodness of my heart, because that’s the kind of guy I am, etc, etc – provide you with a little bug-out bag of gaming essentials to help you survive the drudgery of the dreaded Monday. Rather than containing, say, bottled water, those silver blanket things, or a crossbow, this particular bug-out bag contains, like, words. Lots and lots of words. What I’m going to do – basically – is give you a little collection of Gaming-related stuff for you to surreptitiously read at work, in class, on your commute; essentially anywhere you choose where you feel it might alleviate the grimness that is Monday. Continue reading “Monday Morning Procrastination Pack”

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