

Games an' Stuff



Farpoint VR Review

Before we start, it’s been a wee while since I VR’d (or whatever the correct verb is) so it’s highly possible that what follows may well suffer a little bit from “HOLY SHITBALLS, VR’s amazing” type bias, and perhaps more so because this was also the first Game with which I got my “pew, pew, pew” on via the medium of my PlayStation VR Aim Controller whatsit. That combination undoubtedly added a little som’thin-som’thin to proceedings, so please feel free to factor in your own allowances for my being an excitable man-child who’s easily impressed by waving a plastic gun around with a big old headset strapped to his stupid, fat face. Continue reading “Farpoint VR Review”

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Review – Quite Possibly My favourite Uncharted Game

In the interests of full disclosure, I’m quite the fan of the Uncharted Series, and I’ve generally loved my time with each and every one of the franchise’s Games – even the Vita one (#sorrynotsorry etc, etc). They’re not perfect, by any means, but I think the series has frequently set a benchmark for Action/Adventure Gaming, and I think Naughty Dog consistently bring a little som’thin-som’thin to interactive fiction in a way other studios would – if they’re being honest – love to emulate with the same degree of consistency. The flip side to that, of course, is that I went into Uncharted: The Lost Legacy with relatively high expectations which – if I’m being honest – were possibly unfairly high for what is, essentially, closer to DLC than it is a full game. As you’ll have prob’ly guessed from my title though, not only were those expectations met, but even quite possibly exceeded, and to such an extent that The Lost Legacy, despite its being relatively short, may actually be my favouritest entry in an already favourite-y series. Continue reading “Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Review – Quite Possibly My favourite Uncharted Game”

Get Even Review – A Weird But Wholly Enjoyable Trip

Because, like, Trip can mean “a short journey or outing” but also what happens when the human brain gets confused, weirded out, or otherwise fucked about with – which, in a nutshell, is pretty much what Get Even aims to do during….wait for it…….its relatively short journey/outing!!


*jazz hands*

*Drops mic*

etc, etc.

Anybody? No?? Continue reading “Get Even Review – A Weird But Wholly Enjoyable Trip”

Nintendo Switch: First Impressions

So, I gone done Switched in the end, Dear Reader. Despite having done a substantial pros and cons list, thought aloud about purchasing a Gaming Device with not insignificant limitations, and having tried to rationally assess its value to my Gaming life, it was a complete lack of self-control what done for me in the end. Even worse, after making a few in-shop enquiries – and upon finding the vanilla Switch was still quite hard to get a hold of – I panicked a bit, and allowed myself to be talked into buying a big old Switch Bundle, meaning much of the cost/benefit analysis I had done was considerably out of whack as I gleefully handed over considerably more cash-money for my shiny new toy.

And, so far…….I’m not yet entirely convinced. After all the initial stroking and saying “my precious” a lot, I’ve not really become besotted with my Switch in the way I was expecting to, and certainly not in the way I was when I first got my PS4, Wii U, or PS Vita even. Continue reading “Nintendo Switch: First Impressions”

Dying Light Review: A Flawed But Fantastically Fun Twofer

First of all, I am actually in a position to write a review for Dying Light, which is quite the achievement given I spent much of the early game either not going anywhere, or going backwards, even – so, yeah, I’ll wait for the applause to finish. Done? Honestly, you’re too kind…but you’re right, I am awesome actually. I jest obviously, but whilst being good enough to get beyond the beginning of a Game shouldn’t really be cause for celebration, a) I am that shite and b) it will actually go down as one of my better Gaming achievements – and precisely because it’s resulted in all different kinds of rewards. Continue reading “Dying Light Review: A Flawed But Fantastically Fun Twofer”

Overwatch – The Journey/Humiliation Begins

A little over a year ago, I was stood inside my local purveyor of quality Video Games and I had, in my grubby little mitts, several as-of-yet-un-owned titles. In fact, as per my “system”, I’d already picked up every game in store that I didn’t already own, and only afterwards did I start to make any kind of decisions regarding what I’d actually purchase with my actual cash-money. Because I like to maintain the pretense that “No, I don’t have a compulsive Game buying problem, thankyouverymuch…”, I usually make a (token) effort to talk myself out of at least one or two titles, and on this occasion, one of these was Overwatch. At the time the game had just launched, so my reasoning included “waiting a bit to see how it all panned out”, so that, plus Overwatch’s total lack of any kind of Single Player Campaign, meant it got put back on the shelf….. at least for the time being. Since that fateful day, not only did everybody seem to go a bit daft over what Overwatch was offering, but, because I’m an eejit and I’d actually talked myself out of being a part of that from the very beginning, I still clung to the idea that I’d made the right decision. Continue reading “Overwatch – The Journey/Humiliation Begins”

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD – Questing Done Right

I never owned a Wii, for a few reasons but mostly, if I’m being honest, because it all looked suspiciously like exercise to me. Whilst the wands and nunchucks of the Wii may’ve been considered fun and quirky – the kind of thing you’d have a laugh playing with your friends for an hour or so – the idea of spending large chunks of my downtime swinging my arms around like a lunatic just never really appealed to me. As such, there was a whole console generation of Nintendo Games that I either didn’t play at all, or just tried briefly at friends’ houses, and precisely because a lot of them seemed intent on making me get up off my arse and dance around like the bastard lovechild of Jane Fonda and Mr. Motivator. Continue reading “The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD – Questing Done Right”

Empathy, Medium and Message: 13 Reasons Why vs Life is Strange 

A little while ago – a couple of hours before a trip and desperate for something to read – I found myself frantically searching through the limited English section of a local bookshop. After looking at all the options – and amidst plenty of cursing myself for leaving it until the last minute, given most of these options were utter shite – I eventually left with (what I hoped were) the two least shite (least Sophie Kinsella-ish) options. One of these was Thirteen Reasons Why, and only after checking Goodreads later did I discover that a) it was “Young Adult” (which, unfortunately, is a ship that’s long since sailed in my case) and that b) Thirteen Reasons Why is actually taught in some schools in the US. Continue reading “Empathy, Medium and Message: 13 Reasons Why vs Life is Strange “

The WUFT – Splatoon Review


If you read my last piece you’ll already know that Splatoon – God love it – managed to drag me out of a rather acute, and worrying Gaming funk. When every other title I tried was pretty much meh, and just as I was thinking I’d accidentally cured myself of my chronic Gaming addiction – and might have to, like, integrate into the real world and shit – Nintendo’s neon ink-shooting, squid-ey jumping, platforming answer to a shoot ’em up went ahead and cured me (or, perhaps more accurately, uncured me), and before I’d been exposed to much sunlight or fresh air too. As such, and in the interests of full disclosure, it’s possible I might be a little biased in what follows, but hey, rescuing somebody from the (massively overrated) real world’s as good a reason for that as any, right!? Continue reading “The WUFT – Splatoon Review”

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