

Games an' Stuff



Minority Report: Why Star Wars Battlefront is better than Fallout 4.

[This is (what I hope will be) the first of many guest posts from Rich Keech – a veteran of gaming, a former colleague at TwinStick Gaming, and somebody I’ve known since video games came on cassette tapes. Teacher by day, Gamer by night, and Father 24/7, I’m thrilled to have him find some time to contribute to QTX, and as you’ll see in the following, he’s definitely got some mad skills when it comes to writing about games. I’m a huge fan of his work, and I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do. You can find Rich on twitter as @spooklebeans, and @TLOUFactionsMP, and his YouTube videos are here.] 


Now it has to be said, that this COULD be something of a controversial article. However, this isn’t click bait, it isn’t an attempt to insight a riot and it isn’t the insane ravings of a passing maniac.

It is…. an opinion. A considered opinion. Continue reading “Minority Report: Why Star Wars Battlefront is better than Fallout 4.”

Fallout 4 – Secondary Impressions (and “Issues”)

Right, I’ve now been playing Fallout 4 for…well, for a lot of hours, so I’m in a position to follow up my First Impressions piece with some, I guess, secondary impressions. See, I say “I guess”, not because I’m unsure about how counting works, but because I’ve not actually progressed much further in missions and such – a point I’ll cover more in a bit – but, this being a Fallout game, I still feel I’ve made some strides into the game, both literally and metaphorically. So, whilst I’m not perhaps in a position to review just yet (not even nearly), I am slightly past that initial phase – hence ‘Secondary Impressions’ – and I’ve also been playing long enough to develop one particular gripe. Continue reading “Fallout 4 – Secondary Impressions (and “Issues”)”

Why isn’t every game like Fallout?

Because of the regional restrictions on Xbox 360 games, I tend to binge buy mine once or twice a year. A couple of years ago, it just so happened that the night before one of these splurges, I was talking to my best friend, who mentioned that one of his colleagues had become, and I quote, “unhealthily obsessed” with the Fallout games, and had all but withdrawn from the real world in favour of spending every available minute in a post-apocalyptic, virtual one.

Roughly twelve hours later, standing in a well-known game store, I noticed that Fallout 3 was on sale for £10. Now, rather than paying heed to what a more sensible person might consider a cautionary tale, Continue reading “Why isn’t every game like Fallout?”

Fallout 4 Trailer – Initial Reactions

Firstly, I was pretty excited and didn’t get much sleep last night, so, you know, apologies if I don’t using words good at very some times. Secondly – HOLY FREAKIN’ COW – it’s here. It happened. WE HAVE A TRAILER FOR FALLOUT 4! Continue reading “Fallout 4 Trailer – Initial Reactions”

Fallout 4 Countdown: Please Stand By…..

Yeah, we’ve been burned before, and yeah, the internet’s not always, like, *totes* reliable, but……shit, as they say, just got real!

Like, really, reeeeeaaaaalllly, really REAL! Continue reading “Fallout 4 Countdown: Please Stand By…..”

Bethesda Announce They’ll Announce Something at E3: Fallout Fans Break the Internet

An announcement of an announcement isn’t normally what you would reasonably call news, but when it’s Bethesda Softworks making the pre-announcement announcements, “normally” takes a swan-dive out of the nearest window. Indeed, within about 22.46 seconds of Bethesda’s blog post going live, the whole internet was positively buzzing with Fallout 4 chatter.

Could this, at last, be exactly what we’ve been waiting for? Can we, finally, dust off the old pip-boy and, maybe, possibly, dare to dream again? Continue reading “Bethesda Announce They’ll Announce Something at E3: Fallout Fans Break the Internet”

Fallout 4: Rumours and Guestimations

Given I’ve already gone on record as being “a bit keen” on Fallout, it might not come as a huge surprise that Fallout 4 is one of the games I’m most looking forward to. It’s been six years since Fallout 3 hit the shelves, and four since Fallout: New Vegas debuted, which equates to…(*does “math” face*)….. well, to a lot of long, post-apocalyptic-wasteland-free hours in between. Continue reading “Fallout 4: Rumours and Guestimations”

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