

Games an' Stuff


Gaming Blogs

Ten Things That Make Me Happy

First off, a big thanks to Kim over at Later Levels for the nomination. I’m sure most of you know her anyways, but if not you should absolutely rectify that post haste on account of her being one of the bestest Bloggers what exists and suchlike. Later Levels is positively packed with insightful, funny and interesting pieces on a plethora of Gaming shiznizz, and Kim still finds the time to be an active member of the Gaming community, and pack in some Gaming-related charity work too.

Next, the rules. Pretty simple and self-explanatory, really: list 10 things that make you happy. I’m not going to lie, at first I was all like, “Ten? Ten?? How’s that even possible?” but once I got thinking about it, turns out I’m not quite as miserable and devoid of feeling as I first thought. So without further ado, and in no particular order, here’s my list….. Continue reading “Ten Things That Make Me Happy”

Normal Service Shall Resume Shortly…..

So, as I’m sure the more eagle-eyed of you may have noticed, I’sa been on hiatus for a wee while – so, like, apologies for that (or, indeed, you’re welcome, depending on your point of view, I guess). My mum and step-dad came to visit and, having forked out for plane tickets etc, didn’t seem dead keen on just watching me play video games for the duration of their stay. Some people, eh!? Continue reading “Normal Service Shall Resume Shortly…..”

Blogging Awards: Liebster and Sunshine

Despite the fact I’ve been pretty shonky of late in terms of output (and quality too, prob’ly), I’ve somehow managed to pick up a couple of community blogging awards which, as always, really mean a lot. It’s always nice to receive validation for what I always think of as my “clumsily stabbed out proto-thoughts” anyway, but when they come from fellow bloggers who I like and respect too, it’s that little bit more appreciated. The current trend seems to be to combine awards into one post – and not wanting to be left out – I’ma go ahead and do the same, so what follows is my Liebster/Sunshine twofer….. Continue reading “Blogging Awards: Liebster and Sunshine”

Liebster Award Nomination

Ok, if you’re one of the two or three people who read this place you may’ve noticed I’ve not, like, posted anything for a while. For that I apologise – I had a friend visiting for a bit, and he didn’t seem too keen on just sitting inside and watching me play video games having forked out for a plane ticket to Brazil and whatnot. Some people, eh!?

Anyways, having fallen out of the habit of writing I was genuinely struggling for ideas and inspiration when, lo and behold, I was nominated for this by Particlebit, which was incredibly fortuitous and rather superb timing – so many thanks for that. I’m a big fan of his place anyways, so this was quite the honour. Continue reading “Liebster Award Nomination”

Weekend Gaming Doodah #14

Boo – yah! The weekend has arrived and another working week is in the books. Gone. Done. So long, and thanks for all the fish. As it so often does, the weekend probably means quality Gaming time for you, perhaps finished off with the next episode of a certain little TV show that features some dragons and Lord Commanders who couldn’t give a flying fuck about how, like, death works an’ shit. Truly we live in a joyous age. This is our time, fellow nerds. Our time! Continue reading “Weekend Gaming Doodah #14”

Weekend Gaming Doodah #12

See, normally there’d be some “joke” about it finally being Friday here, but I’ma level with you, I’m currently enjoying a four day weekend. My Friday was Wednesday, but I figured I’d wait until Friday afternoon to post this because, in all honesty, nobody likes to have anybody else’s good fortune rubbed in their face.

You’re welcome.

Anyways, now that we’re approaching the point when everybody’s getting their weekend on, let’s do this. What are your weekend plans, folks? Continue reading “Weekend Gaming Doodah #12”

Monday Morning Procrastination Pack #9

Honestly, how is it Monday again? It seems like five minutes ago that I was getting all giddy and shit because it was Friday! Still, them’s the breaks, and until we crack the whole ‘army of robots doing everything for us’ thing, Mondays are always going to be a pain the ass. Obviously, the army of robot thing might lead to a Skynet scenario like in that documentary ‘Terminator’, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, eh!? Continue reading “Monday Morning Procrastination Pack #9”

Monday Morning Procrastination Pack #7

Mondays. Ugh. Rubbish.

The weekend – as it so often does – just went ahead and left us, right when we were getting used to having it around. Just as we were mumbling, ‘Hey Weekend, this might be a bit forward, but what if, like, you stuck around and we made this “thing” between us a bit more official and permanent…!?”, it was all like “Nah, you’re alright, mate – I’ma go now…” and fucked off into the sunset, taking our game-playing time (and our favourite CDs) with it.

Still, them’s the breaks. The weekend’s a fickle, short-lived thing for sure, but t’is better to have loved and lost…. and all that bollocks. And – without wanting to stretch this whole weekend-as-a-relationship metaphor too far – maybe some time apart will help!? Not convinced? No, me either, so let’s just crack on with it, shall we!? Continue reading “Monday Morning Procrastination Pack #7”

Monday Morning Procrastination Pack #6

I’m a little pressed for time this week, so this’ll be a quick one.

Basically, Mondays are shite, we all hate them, so I’ve put together a little bug-out bag of Gaming reads to help you survive the Monday-pocalypse. You don’t have to read them, obviously, but if you’re looking to surreptitiously escape the End of (weekend) Days, or if you fancy a quick little bit of gaming goodness on your commute, or lunch hour, or whilst you’re hiding in the toilets, this might help you out. Continue reading “Monday Morning Procrastination Pack #6”

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