

Games an' Stuff


July 2017

Ten Things That Make Me Happy

First off, a big thanks to Kim over at Later Levels for the nomination. I’m sure most of you know her anyways, but if not you should absolutely rectify that post haste on account of her being one of the bestest Bloggers what exists and suchlike. Later Levels is positively packed with insightful, funny and interesting pieces on a plethora of Gaming shiznizz, and Kim still finds the time to be an active member of the Gaming community, and pack in some Gaming-related charity work too.

Next, the rules. Pretty simple and self-explanatory, really: list 10 things that make you happy. I’m not going to lie, at first I was all like, “Ten? Ten?? How’s that even possible?” but once I got thinking about it, turns out I’m not quite as miserable and devoid of feeling as I first thought. So without further ado, and in no particular order, here’s my list….. Continue reading “Ten Things That Make Me Happy”

Overwatch: The First Week (and a bit)

Firstly, if you’re wondering why I’m an eejit who’s only logged a week of Overwatch over a year after its release, I’ve covered that particular bit of stupid already. Secondly, whilst it’s only been a calendar week (and a bit), it was kind of an obsessive week, and I squeezed every bit of Overwatch out of it as I possibly could. Personal hygiene? Eating food that doesn’t come in foil packaging? Face-to-face human interaction? Bollocks to all of that because, like, Overwatch, innit!? Smelling a bit funky, empty calories and physical isolation were all prices I was *totes* willing to pay when there were Overwatch’s 24 characters to learn, maps and Game Modes to get to grips with, and precious, precious XP to be earning – and I happily, gleefully fucked off all of my adulting in favour of piss-arsing around in Blizzard’s colourful, fun future of heroes randomly moving payloads around for shits and giggles. Well, I say shits and giggles but apparently humanity depends on it, but at this point I’m not entirely sure why because delving into the story and setting of Overwatch is cool, I’m sure, but it also gets in the way of actually playing it, so I’ve not really bothered as of yet. Continue reading “Overwatch: The First Week (and a bit)”

Dying Light Review: A Flawed But Fantastically Fun Twofer

First of all, I am actually in a position to write a review for Dying Light, which is quite the achievement given I spent much of the early game either not going anywhere, or going backwards, even – so, yeah, I’ll wait for the applause to finish. Done? Honestly, you’re too kind…but you’re right, I am awesome actually. I jest obviously, but whilst being good enough to get beyond the beginning of a Game shouldn’t really be cause for celebration, a) I am that shite and b) it will actually go down as one of my better Gaming achievements – and precisely because it’s resulted in all different kinds of rewards. Continue reading “Dying Light Review: A Flawed But Fantastically Fun Twofer”

Overwatch – The Journey/Humiliation Begins

A little over a year ago, I was stood inside my local purveyor of quality Video Games and I had, in my grubby little mitts, several as-of-yet-un-owned titles. In fact, as per my “system”, I’d already picked up every game in store that I didn’t already own, and only afterwards did I start to make any kind of decisions regarding what I’d actually purchase with my actual cash-money. Because I like to maintain the pretense that “No, I don’t have a compulsive Game buying problem, thankyouverymuch…”, I usually make a (token) effort to talk myself out of at least one or two titles, and on this occasion, one of these was Overwatch. At the time the game had just launched, so my reasoning included “waiting a bit to see how it all panned out”, so that, plus Overwatch’s total lack of any kind of Single Player Campaign, meant it got put back on the shelf….. at least for the time being. Since that fateful day, not only did everybody seem to go a bit daft over what Overwatch was offering, but, because I’m an eejit and I’d actually talked myself out of being a part of that from the very beginning, I still clung to the idea that I’d made the right decision. Continue reading “Overwatch – The Journey/Humiliation Begins”

Guys, enough with the Co-op Trophies, yeah!?

OK, before we start, there is a chance that what follows might seem a little bit like sour grapes from a guy who hasn’t got any friends, and who is therefore projecting his ire onto what is – if he’s being honest – a fairly unimportant thing that means very little to anybody. And there’s a chance it might seem like that because – again, if I’m being honest – it probably is. But, like, whotevs….. My blog, innit!? Secondly, and related to the “unimportant” bit I guess, I’ve already gone on record as saying I’m sometimes a bit obsessed with Trophies and whatnot, and whilst rationally I know it’s all a load of meaningless bollocks anyway (in both ‘trophy inconsistency’, and “who even gives a fuck?” kind of ways), it is what it is. Also…. My blog, innit!? Continue reading “Guys, enough with the Co-op Trophies, yeah!?”

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