Yeah, we’ve been burned before, and yeah, the internet’s not always, like, *totes* reliable, but……shit, as they say, just got real!

Like, really, reeeeeaaaaalllly, really REAL!

Bethesda, on their website, have started a countdown, and the general consensus is that it’s a countdown to a Fallout 4 teaser which will land at 3PM TOMORROW. As in, the day after today. As in, holy freakin’ WOW!

At this point it’s expected that it is just likely to be a teaser to whet appetites for Bethesda’s e3 conference later this month (where, as I’ve suggested before, it’s hoped they’ll be doing a full-on reveal), but, after years of waiting for news, any news, I don’t expect Fallout fans will be complaining that much.

I will, of course, try to bring you reaction to tomorrow’s events – whatever they turn out to consist of – but, in the meantime, you could always have a read of these: Why isn’t Every Game Like….Fallout? and Fallout 4: Rumours and Guestimations?

fallout (1)You know, if you want to!

Me? I’ll be over here freakin’ the shit out. And, after waiting years, I’ma enjoy every. single. minute of it!