

Games an' Stuff



Weekend Gaming Doodah #6

We’re there, finally: The weekend! Huzzah, and thank fuck for that because this week was brutal, and it just felt like I was getting pummelled by an End of Level Boss over and over and over again. In real life there’s no cheat codes either, but I’ve ridden it out and have been rewarded with a Weekend Power-Up for my troubles. Unfortunately, this weekend won’t feature much game-playing time for me, but hopefully you guys will have more luck. Continue reading “Weekend Gaming Doodah #6”

Weekend Gaming Doodah #5

THE WEEKEND! It’s here. Finally. I don’t know about you guys, but this week just seemed to last forever. Like a NeverEnding Story, but without all the fun and the big dragon-ey dog thing. Anyway, it’s over now, and the weekend beckons, and for most of us the weekend means game-y time. Lots and lots of Game-y time. Probably not for me this weekend, but hey, don’t let that bother you. I’ll survive. Continue reading “Weekend Gaming Doodah #5”

The Grieving Continues…..

My brain – which isn’t a friend to me at the best of times – has spent the last few days being a harsh, brutal son of a bitch. Much like when you lose something and your brain helpfully plants false memories of you definitely putting it somewhere in an effort to slowly drive you insane, I’ve spent the last few days distinctly remembering backing up my hard drive, copying save files to USB sticks, and uploading them to the cloud. None of these things actually happened – and I know they never happened – but such was the clarity of these (wholly false, lying) memories that I was angrily incredulous when I, for example, checked the Cloud and found there was a distinct lack of Fallout 4 save files. Continue reading “The Grieving Continues…..”

No Man’s Sky: Procedurally Generating the Future of Gaming?

As some of you may have guessed by now, I’m a “bit fond” of the upcoming game No Man’s Sky. And when I say a “bit fond”, I of course, mean “absolutely besotted with”, and in a way I’ve not been besotted with anything since Data’s gadget belt in The Goonies. Continue reading “No Man’s Sky: Procedurally Generating the Future of Gaming?”

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