

Games an' Stuff



Nintendo Switch Reveal – Initial Reactions (and a cynical note of caution)

If you’re one of the two people who haven’t seen it yet, below is the “reveal” video for the Nintendo Switch, the new official name for what was previously known only as the NX.



Now, because everybody else has weighed in on it, I thought I’d go ahead and share my own thoughts on it too. I know you didn’t ask for ’em, but them’s the breaks, innit!?

First off, I think it’s fair to say that I’m both intrigued and excited – and that’s really not a bad note for a reveal to hit. Continue reading “Nintendo Switch Reveal – Initial Reactions (and a cynical note of caution)”

Notes on Gaming’s Silly Season

Firstly, if you’re one of the two people who’s read this blog a) thank you and b) I’d like to apologise for my absence over the last week or so. Rest assured, I haven’t gotten bored already, it’s just that I was in the US for a week, and the repeated shock of paying a bajillionty-twelve dollars for a soda at Disney and Universal left me with little time to actually, you know, write stuff. Continue reading “Notes on Gaming’s Silly Season”

Why you should definitely consider the Wii U

The other night, I noticed that I had two weird looking lines on the sides of my face that hadn’t been there that morning, and their presence left me feeling slightly confused, and more than a little freaked out. Searching “weird face diseases” on WebMD had left me none the wiser, and it was only later, when I’d been asked why I was ‘grinning like a simpleton’ that I finally figured it out!
As somebody who usually smiles, on average, three, maybe four times a year, it was understandable that I’d not considered this, but suddenly it all made sense Continue reading “Why you should definitely consider the Wii U”

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