

Games an' Stuff


Tom Clancy’s The Division

Dispatches from the Dark Zone: Ganks, but no thanks!?

Since I wrote my last dispatch, Ubi/Massive – to their credit – have provided a fairly significant update to The Division which, as well as adding incursions etc, managed to make my DZ experience slightly less frustrating. It was mostly small things – like making it possible to open chests and buy weapons from DZ vendors, which for some reason were locked at level 30 before, as well as adding Gold drops to all named enemies – and for a wee while, it was enough to re-ignite my interest in, and enthusiasm for, The Dark Zone. Continue reading “Dispatches from the Dark Zone: Ganks, but no thanks!?”

Dispatches from the Dark Zone – Introduction

To (very loosely) paraphrase a certain songstress, ‘Hello from the other side, where everybody’s all up in my grille and trying to fuck my shit up‘. This is the first in a (possible) series of posts where I, Dear Reader, relate to you some of my experiences in the Dark Zone of Tom Clancy’s The Division. Given my review of the game ended up being quite long (as in, ‘War and Peace’ level long), I figured I’d give my Dark Zone shenanigans their own separate space. See – contrary to popular opinion – you absolutely can flog a dead horse! Continue reading “Dispatches from the Dark Zone – Introduction”

Tom Clancy’s The Division – Review

I’ve officially reached the end-game of Tom Clancy’s The Division, which was something of a bittersweet moment in many ways, but it does mean I can now crack on with my Full Review type witterings. Lucky you, eh!? In order to not repeat myself too much, I’ll try not to go over the same ground as my First and Second Impressions pieces, but obviously some degree of repetition’s inevitable so, like, apologies in advance.


Tom Clancy’s The Division was, by almost any conceivable measurement, a hugely anticipated Next-Gen release, and in many ways it’s been an ever-present “event” hovering over Next-Gen consoles since their own launch nearly two and a half years ago. Continue reading “Tom Clancy’s The Division – Review”

Tom Clancy’s The Division – Secondary Impressions

So, turns out I gone done got a bit addicted to The Division. And when I say “a bit”, I mean like, properly, wake-up-thinking-about-it, currently-smelling-a bit-funky-because-I’m-foregoing-showers kind of addicted. It’s not the first time that’s happened to me, for sure (see also; the Fallouts), but it’s not a regular occurrence – and as much as I love playing games, and as much as I’m often itching to turn them on, it’s rare that I get to the thinking-about-a-game-all-the-damn-time stage. I wrote my First Impressions piece having played roughly 10 hours of the game, but that’s now increased to around 30 (which I know thanks to that handy and helpful ‘here’s how much of your life you’ve wasted with this game’ stat that’s prominently displayed when you load up your game – cheers, Ubisoft), so I figure I’m in a position to write a Secondary Impressions piece. Which is what I’m doing. Like, right now. Continue reading “Tom Clancy’s The Division – Secondary Impressions”

Tom Clancy’s The Division – First Impressions

OK, so I’m a couple of weeks late to this particular party – which in Gaming terms might as well be years – but I’ve been wanting to play this game for sooooo long, and you are not taking this away from me, D’ya hear!? In fact, back when I was thinking about making the leap to Next-Gen, I distinctly remember that it was a brief little video of TCTD that sealed the decision, even though it was all still unclear quite when it would be released, or even quite what it would be. Two years, two PS4s, and a little bit of a Puppy-related delay later, I finally, finally got to play the damn thing. Obviously, that’s quite the build-up of expectations, so….did it meet them?

“Hell yeah!” is the short answer, and “Hells to the Fuck Yeah” would be the slightly longer one. Basically; yes, yes it did. Continue reading “Tom Clancy’s The Division – First Impressions”

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